Hot Days

It’s so hot, I think I’m melting

The sun’s rays, they are pelting

my skin, and almost smelting

any metals that they touch

The rain, it has gone missing

and I find myself wishing

that I could pass the hours fishing

for someone, or simply kissing

him full on the mouth – with tongues

So I waste these hot days dreaming

spending zero time on preening

my body in need and screaming

for attention that doesn’t come

Of all the things I could be doing

I have these dreams with me and you in

the best are when we’re screwing

Sometimes tender. Sometimes rough

Published by Dullard poet

I have been writing mediocre poems since childhood. To me the process of writing is a release and the results, however mundane, give me a sense of pride. I am a busy teacher, mother (hockey mum), wife, pet owner as well as being a reader, sometime raver and a reasonable friend.

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